Sunday, May 23, 2010

12 days out and I'm back!

I rode 18 miles today :). Not fast, and we planned a mid-point soy chai tea latte break, but I did it. Greg and Johnny were my noble escorts this morning as we left Somerville at a blazing 13.5-14 mph pace and rode out the bike path to the Ride.Studio.Cafe in Lexington, which is 9 miles from home. We sat and had lattes, then I rode a bit up the road to surprise my LUNA teammates who were leading a 37-miler at 10am. It was nice to meet some of the ladies who we are helping train for a century later in the summer. It was great to see them all.

They took off on their ride and Greg and I headed back to Somerville (Johnny went ahead of us). I was feeling good on the road back until about two miles to go. My legs felt pretty tired and flat. But not so flat that I couldn't finish! But it did raise my awareness to just how tired I really am. Three weeks ago, I ran 29 I'm pooped riding a slow 18. But I will improve quickly, I just know it.

Beyond the fatigue, the only other challenge was the bumps on the road. OUCH! They are bothersome in general, but with a 12-day old six-inch gash in your gut, they really smart! I stood up for pretty much every bump, which meant I stood up a lot.

I had told myself that I would take two full weeks off before I returned to activity. So I get a big "F" in physical restraint, but my doc said I could get back into gentle cardio "as tolerated". Apparently he doesn't know how much I am willing to tolerate before I throw in the towel :).

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